From March 2016 to June 2018, Child Rights Connect partnered up with the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ-European Institutions office), to contribute to the implementation of the Fostering Access to Immigrant Children’s Rights (FAIR) project to foster access to human right for migrant children (FAIR: Fostering Access to Immigrant children’s Rights) across the European Union in collaboration with:
- the Immigrant Council of Ireland
- the Greek Council for Refugee
- the Federal Association for Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (Germany)
- the Legal Clinic for Refugees and Immigrants (Bulgaria)
- the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa (Italy)
- the Aditus Foundation (Malta).
Through 7 national training sessions, the project created a pool of 142 trained national lawyers from Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Malta and Spain with a higher level of specialisation in representing migrant children in their respective countries.
Further information:
- Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union
- ICJ- FAIR Project and closing event of project
- Training materials on access to justice for migrant children
The ICJ-EI is currently building on the results of this pilot project through the implementation of the three-year FAIR PLUS project (2018 to 2021) to foster access to human rights for migrants. This project targets lawyers from Ireland, Greece, Italy and the Czech Republic.
Child Rights Connect is part of the legal advisory team of this project in order to continue to advance access to justice for migrant children.
Further information:
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